According to the information, the Assistant Superintendent of Police at Dhrangadhara Military Station received a call at around 8 pm on Tuesday, requesting to rescue a child who had fallen into a narrow borewell in Dudapur village. The quick reaction team reached the spot and found Shivam trapped at 25 feet in a 300 feet deep borewell. Also the child's nose was watery, but still he was able to breathe and his screams could be heard.
#WATCH | Indian Army safely rescues 18-month old Shivam who had accidentally fallen into a 300-ft borewell in Dudhapur village located 20 km from Dhrangadhra Taluka of Surendranagar district, Gujarat
— ANI (@ANI) June 8, 2022
(Source: Defence PRO, Gujarat)
The team cleverly modified a metal hook and tied it to a fiber rope and sent it down the borewell. The hook got stuck in the child's T-shirt within minutes and was pulled out successfully through the rope. The rescued child has been admitted to CU Shah Hospital in Surendranagar, where his condition is stable.