After the ED raids on IAS officer Pooja Singhal's official residence and other places, the round of allegations and counter allegations has started in the political corridor. The ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha on Saturday alleged that Pooja Singhal was given a clean chit by the then Chief Minister Raghubar Das and the then Chief Secretary Rajbala Verma in 2017 in the MGNREGA scam. A copy of the order was also made public in the press conference at the JMM headquarters. JMM leaders said that the BJP is presenting in the media as if it is the corruption of the present government.
In the event that perfect chit had not been given, Pooja Singhal could not have possibly been on the post
MLA Sudivya Kumar Sonu said that had Pooja Singhal not been given a perfect chit, she could not have possibly been on the post. From MNREGA to Mometam, the name of Pooja Singhal came in the unsettling influences in Jharkhand. On 27 February 2017, the then Chief Minister Raghuvar Das and Chief Secretary Rajbala Verma gave a perfect chit to Pooja. The working official of the departmental activity was IAS AP Singh. The BJP government gave a spotless chit, really at that time the obligation was given to Pooja Singhal in the JMM government. Pooja Singhal is the secretary of the Mines Department. Consequently, an endeavor is being made to connect the issue of MNREGA with mining. He said that move ought to be initiated against the liable official, however on the off chance that BJP sets its political plan all the while assuming a pretense of examination, JMM will draw out reality.
Continuous examination of CNT infringement case in building a Hospital
JMM's Central Committee part Supriyo Bhattacharya said that the Chief Minister had requested the Ranchi Deputy Commissioner to explore the Pulse Hospital land. On the subject of not being examined up to this point, he said that all cases connected with infringement of CNT Act will be researched. Boss Minister Hemant Soren has likewise spoken this in the House. Nothing occurred for a considerable length of time because of Corona. In the event that the government is working now, an intrigue is being incubated to entrap the public authority in the activity of focal offices. Regardless, the ED doesn't go straightforwardly to attack. ED makes a move just when cases are moved from organizations like CBI, NIA, Income Tax. Babulal Marandi, who joined the BJP subsequent to being chosen from JVM, is spreading disarray by blaming Hemant for defilement in the Raghuvar government following 14 years. Babulal has turned into a political financial specialist.