Gujarat Titans chief Hardik Pandya said after their five-run rout to Mumbai Indians in a nearby match Indian Premier League (IPL) on Friday that nine runs might have been effectively scored in the last over however the run-out of two players was nothing to joke about. Went. Pandya and Rahul Tewatia were run out in the match as Mumbai Indians dominated the game thanks to a splendid bowling from Daniel Sams in the last finished. Gujarat Titans required nine runs in the last finished yet Sams (18 runs in three overs) surrendered just three runs in six balls in which Tewatia was run out.
Pandya blamed the defeat on the batsmen and said that I think the batsmen let us down. You can't keep losing in T20 matches. Can't blame anyone for this because we have won such matches. We made mistakes for which we will bear the brunt. We played good cricket for 19.2 overs in our innings, one or two hits could have made the difference. We shouldn't have made it to the last over. Pandya praised the performance of the bowlers as Mumbai Indians could manage only 177 for six despite a good start. He said that I think our bowlers did a great job and restricted them to 170 runs as they were going towards 200 runs.