Tension prevailed in a village in Karnataka's Belagavi district on Wednesday after some miscreants hoisted the saffron flag at a mosque. According to the police, these miscreants climbed the minaret of the mosque on Brahma Muhurta and hoisted the saffron flag. The incident came to light in the morning, causing tension in the area.
The occurrence occurred at Satigeri Maddi Masjid in Mudlagi taluk of the area. Police arrived at the spot and controlled the circumstance. The police held a gathering of heads of both Hindu and Muslim people group and eliminated the saffron banner. However the police managed the circumstance, security has been amplified in all delicate regions. However the circumstance was managed by the police, security has been expanded in all touchy region of the locale to stay away from any inappropriate occurrence.
The episode made frenzy and worry across the state as the state is now seeing an amplifier column disturbance by Hindu associations. The public authority has reported the Supreme Court rules and said they will be executed. Hindu associations have said that they need to see the rules carried out quickly.