At least five companies, including Aadhar Housing Finance, TVS Supply Chain Solutions and Landmark Cars, have been given approval by capital markets regulator SEBI to raise funds through initial share sale. Apart from these, Bikaji Foods International and Kids Clinic India have also received regulatory nod for initial public offering (IPO). These five companies had filed IPO papers with SEBI between January 2021 and February 2022. Now during May 2 to May 5, they have received "observations" from SEBI. This information was received by SEBI on Monday. As per the observations of SEBI, these companies may proceed to bring IPO.
According to the draft papers, Aadhaar Housing is wanting to raise Rs 7,300 crore through its underlying offer deal. It had recorded fundamental reports before SEBI in January last year. The IPO incorporates issue of new offers worth Rs 1,500 crore and Offer available to be purchased (OFS) of up to Rs 5,800 crore by advertiser BCP Topco VII Pvt Ltd.
Simultaneously, the IPO of TVS Supply Chain Solutions incorporates new issue of value portions of up to Rs 2,000 crore and OFS of 5.95 crore value shares by advertisers and existing financial backers. It is essential for TVS Mobility Group. As per sources, the size of the IPO will associate with Rs 5,000 crore. Also, the Rs 762 crore IPO of vehicle showroom chain Landmark Cars incorporates new issue of value shares worth Rs 150 crore and OFS up to Rs 612 crore.
The public issue of Kids Clinic India, which works super-specialty mother and child care chain Cloudnine, incorporates new issue of value portions of up to Rs 300 crore and OFS by existing investors of up to 1,32,93,514 value shares. As indicated by sources, the organization is hoping to raise around Rs 1,200 crore through IPO.
Bikaji International, a main maker of bites and desserts, is focusing to raise an expected Rs 1,000 crore through its underlying offer deal. A portion of the investors of the Rajasthan based organization are wanting to sell around 2.94 crore shares through OFS course. These incorporate two advertisers also.